Q: How did your family and cultural background shape the person who you are today?

My family means more to me than anything in this world. Everything that I do is for the betterment of the people that I love and the land that I live. I feel blessed that my upbringing and demographic cannot be defined on paper. I continue what I do not because of the color of my skin but because it’s the right thing to do.
Q: What makes ACEE significant in your perspective?

ACEE has taken what I can do for a group of people and amplified it to the entire state of Arizona! They believe in the power of financial knowledge and how it will shape our future. ACEE has introduced economics, finances, and investment to more youth (no matter the economic background) than any organization I know of.
Q: What motivates your passion for financial and economic education?

I believe that if every human being had an understanding of financial literacy and economics, then freedom of choice based on knowledge is truly attainable.