Virtual via Zoom

Entrepreneurship: Developing a Theme Park


April 8, 2025
4:00 PM
Grade Level: K-12

Roller coasters, funnel cakes, balloons, and fun. Challenge your students with a theme park project that includes components such as rides and attractions, park layout, ticket design, themed-food ideas, fun job titles and employee payroll costs, eco-friendly options, and more. This is a fun way to showcase cross-curricular learning.

Participants will be eligible for 1 hour of professional development credit. 

Due to the interactive nature of the presentation, all participants will be required to have reliable internet access and a device with video and audio capabilities.

You have to be an ACEE member to sign up for a program. Membership is free.

Entrepreneurship: Developing a Theme Park

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Please check any dietary restrictions that you have?


