Q: How did your family and culture influence who you are today?
In my culture, being Mexican is a great honor and pride. I remember music that my grandma made me “like.” She played her records over and over until I had to memorize those songs…. not by choice of course. I love Polkas, Mariachi music, Boleros, etc because of her, bless her heart. I also enjoy cooking! My grandma was the best Asado cook in the region. People usually asked her to cater for weddings and quinceaneras. She was also a great seamstress. I am a teacher today because she had faith in me. She always said ” El que habla dos lenguas vale por dos!”
Q: Why is ACEE important to you?

I love the response I get from the students when I integrate games that I learned in the ACEE workshops. My students really enjoy those lessons! ACEE helps me become a better teacher.
Q: Why do you care about financial and economic education?

In my school, in the Navajo Nation, there is so much poverty! I want my students to get a better life. I want for them to understand financial literacy. I don’t want them to make the same mistakes I made when I was younger and inexperienced. My students need to learn to be independent, to know how to handle money… and why not, to become entrepreneurs in the near future!