Q: How has your family and cultural background shaped the person you are today?

As an African American, my cultural heritage is a tapestry: woven with threads of education, resilience, and creativity. My family has shaped who I am today, by being a role model and teaching me the importance of walking in my own path and to think beyond the confines of convention. This has allowed me to pass my knowledge along by connecting with students and guiding them to discover their own personal paths for growth and guiding them to recreate themselves to believe in their own abilities and to not be afraid to make mistakes while they are overcoming their challenges. And because of my own struggles, I enjoy instilling in them that no matter how often they may fail and even if people may doubt their abilities, as long as they continue to get up with forgiveness and not hatred toward themselves and others, they will achieve their own personal success in life.
Q: What makes ACEE significant in your perspective??

I really enjoy volunteering for the Financial Fitness in Action ACEE events. Especially when they reach out to low-income diversity populated high schools. They bring great material and have good volunteers available who went though a lot of the same things they are going through like myself. Teaching essential life skills like budgeting and money management.
Q: What motivates your passion for financial and economic education?

I truly believe Financial Education at a young age helps young people with a better understanding of life in general and gives them more opportunities to think about what they want to do in life and who they want to be.