Spotlighting the People of Arizona

ACEE values the culture, traditions & history of all our supporters including teachers, staff, volunteers, and board members. We embrace all backgrounds, life experiences, and perspectives in our everyday work and relationships to achieve the mission of ACEE for all Arizona students.

Black History Month

Teacher Spotlight - Philip Adiyia

Photo of Mia
Hispanic Heritage Month

Student Spotlight Miacarolina Galaz

Hispanic Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Elda Sandoval

Hispanic Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Berenis Aviles

Hispanic Heritage Month

Administrator Spotlight Lorenzo Cabrera

Hispanic Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Jaslyne Canales

Pride Month

Volunteer Spotlight - Daniel Sciortino

Photo Wodarcyk
Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Rae Wodarcyk

Photo of Kevin Li
Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Student Spotlight - Kevin

Photo of Danielle Bonfig
Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Danielle Bonfig

Women's History Month

Student Spotlight - Danielle

Women's History Month

Administrator Spotlight Reegan Heddings

Women's History Month

Teacher Spotlight Heidi Bonfante

Emily Schwartz
Women's History Month

Board Spotlight - Emily Schwartz

Jada Holmes
Black History Month

Student Spotlight - Jada

Photo of LaTanya
Black History Month

Teacher Spotlight - LaTanya Edenburgs

Photo of Summer Faussette
Black History Month

Board Spotlight - Summer Faussette

Black History Month

Volunteer Spotlight - Mel Bradley

Photo of Trena Bizardi
Native American Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Trena Bizardi

Maria Echeveste photo
Hispanic Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Maria Echeveste

Hispanic Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Richard Hernandez

Hispanic Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Glenda Chavez

Hispanic Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Heidi Vega

Photo of Kathy Jang
Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Kathy Jang

Professional photo of Manoj Varghese
Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Board Spotlight Manoj Varghese

Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Kenny Wong

Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Shuchita Chaturvedi

Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Board Spotlight Huacong Chen

Women's History Month

ACEE Board Spotlight

Women's History Month

Advisory Board Spotlight

Women's History Month

Staff Spotlight Robin Palmer

Women's History Month

Volunteer Spotlight Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil

Women's History Month

Volunteer Spotlight Ashley Schmidt

Women's History Month

Staff Spotlight Teresa Mungai

Black History Month

Teacher Spotlight Zelatrice Fowler

Black History Month

Teacher Spotlight John Destin

Black History Month

Volunteer Spotlight Devin Del Palacio

Native American Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Kathleen Frank

Native American Heritage Month

Advisory Board Spotlight Kelsey Haake

Hispanic Heritage Month

Staff Spotlight Monica Martinez

Hispanic Heritage Month

Teacher Spotlight Dina Ross

Hispanic Heritage Month

Volunteer Spotlight Arturo Perez

Hispanic Heritage Month

Staff Spotlight Kathy Pondy

Hispanic Heritage Month

Board Spotlight Kris Anest